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Law 115/2024 scrap: obligation to notify export of scrap extended
With Law 8 August 2024 n. 115 of conversion of Legislative Decree 84/2024, in force from 14 August 2024, the obligation to notify exports of scrap , already foreseen for ferrous metals, has been...
Foundry crisis 2024: serious suffering in the third quarter
The third quarter of 2024 marks a clear deterioration for the foundry sector, with a loss of production levels of -13.7% compared to the same period in 2023 and a cyclical decline in the second...
Die casting market 2024: production of Italian foundries still falling in the second quarter
The recessionary trend in the foundry sector continued in the second quarter of 2024: the trend line outlines a contraction in production that reaches -8.9% compared to the same quarter of 2023. The...
2023 foundry market trend: declining revenues
2023 was a year of two faces for Italian foundries : while for the entire first quarter and part of the second the sector was still able to benefit from the boost that characterized the post-Covid...
First industrial production of ZnAl15Cu1Mg
Since 2014, when the first hot chamber die casting tests were carried out with the hypereutectic ZnAl15Cu1Mg as part of the UNIBS & partner project with the Lombardy Region, numerous tests have...
The importance of aluminum recycling: the key role of eco-sustainable aluminum
Aluminum lends itself very well to recycling, it has been a popular material for decades due to its characteristic of being a real energy bank: it requires a lot of energy to be produced in smelters...
The ferrous and non-ferrous castings market in Europe: Germany and Italy compared
While waiting to receive the annual CAEF report “The European Foundry Industry in 2023” which provides a complete overview of the European foundry industry, in this section we anticipate a brief...
Critical raw materials bill
The bill for the conversion of the decree-law of 25 June 2024, n. 84, under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies, aims to strengthen Italy's resilience in the sector of critical raw materials,...
Aluminum Foundries and Insulating Sleeves: Developments in Exothermic Feeding in Aluminum Castings
In aluminum foundries , the use of insulating sleeves in a wide variety of materials has been common practice for many years. A new exothermic sleeve material for non-ferrous alloys and casting...
Why focus on green aluminum
Let's talk about green aluminum again because this is one of the strengths of the light metal in the development prospects of the coming decades. When we talk about "green" we are referring to many...
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