Italy is confirmed as leader in aluminum recycling
Italy, also in 2018, confirms itself as a country of excellence in aluminum recycling. We had anticipated it a few months ago, observing the partial data: now the confirmation of CIAL (National Consortium for the recovery and recycling of aluminum packaging) has arrived. The consortium presented the report confirming Italy's leading position in the sector at the assembly of 256 consortium companies on May 10th in Milan: our country recycles 80.2% of the aluminum placed on the market.
Italy's improvements in aluminum recycling
Italy improves the already excellent 2017 data in aluminum recycling, when the share reached 68.6% of the total. Two years ago 47,800 tons of packaging were recovered against a total of 69,700, while in 2018 the recovery rose to 54,300 tons out of 67,700 tons placed in the market. To these must be added 4,300 tons of thin packaging for waste-to-energy.
As reported by Ansa, the CIAL president, Bruno Rea, commented on the result, underlining that it is “a confirmation of the good national aluminum packaging management system, which in recent years has reached a level of maturity and efficiency such as to guarantee, in the future, further growth margins.
The energy savings guaranteed by the recycling of aluminum
The result in terms of recycling is even more significant in a country like Italy, whose aluminum production is 100% based on recycling: thanks to these numbers, greenhouse gas emissions equal to 403,000 tons of CO2 have been avoided and over 173,000 equivalent tons of oil have been saved.
italpres, a leading company in aluminum die-casting in Italy and on the international scene, has always promoted a conscious use of raw materials and the recycling of products made with it, with a view to safeguarding the ecosystem.